The Power of Affirmations

“Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.”
― Tia Walker

 Hey guys! I apologise for the "break in transmission" but hopefully, today's post makes up for it. I hope we are all doing well this lovely weekend? I know some of us had a tough and not so encouraging week that we're thankfully leaving behind. But hey, it could be worse. Just be encouraged and let's see how we can start thinking positively.

Today, I'll be sharing on some of the lessons I've learned over the past few months on the power of affirmations; both negative and positive and the power of the spoken word. I have been absolutely mind-blown by some of the things I've learned in relation to these. My last post was a book review I did on an amazing book titled "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz week (If you didn't have .a chance to read then, you can read here ) and in the book review, I mentioned that one of the agreements as put fourth by the author was "Be impeccable with your words" and he explained the power of words and how we are required as individuals to use our words wisely. 

So we know that words on their own are just words...that seems to be one of the most obvious things on the planet. However, looking closer, we find that each word has its meaning in whatever language you speak it, but without having spoken it, it just remains a word. Yet, when someone speaks that same word which is harmless on its own, it turns into something else-perhaps a poison, a tool or even a weapon which could be used to uplift someone or tear them down.

There is something so powerful about the spoken word that when combined with other words, evokes thoughts, feelings and certain emotions that cannot sometimes be controlled. Last week, I was privileged to attend a show, "Made in Nigeria" by the popular poet, Dike Chuwkumerije and I think what amazed me the most was the way the combination of his words...just words...evoked certain feelings and emotions within me...from empathy to anger to was simply amazing!

While it is important to be careful of the words that we say to one another to ensure that they're uplifting, encouraging and productive, we also need to be very careful of the words and affirmations we say to ourselves in our private times and it all begins with our thoughts.

"Thoughts become things".

When we repeatedly say things like "I'm not good enough" or "this is too hard...this is beyond me....I'll never figure it out" well, best believe you wouldn't.

If someone says negative words to you, for example, you're driving and someone says "you're stupid!" and goes further to insult you some more, you find that the word on its own might be harmless but sometimes you can't control the feeling that wells up inside of you having heard someone use it against you. In fact, you might find that your day is now messed up or you find yourself angry or hurt from a couple of words that were spoken by someone you don't even know! That is how powerful words are.

Negative words and affirmations whether we are aware of them or not have such a powerful effect. They can drag us down, weigh us down, keep us discouraged and unproductive and it all starts with the negative mindset. I know that sometimes these negative thoughts tend to creep in without permission, but learning to master the thoughts that inhabit our minds is very important.

I'm learning that on the other hand, simple positive words which seem ineffective on their own can evoke a powerful response of feeling amazing, smart and like you can take on the world. Imagine constantly telling yourself (speaking aloud, either to your mirror or just to yourself to remind yourself and not just thinking about them) "I am amazing." or "I am smart" or "I will accomplish this task" or "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". Some positive affirmations you can remind yourself of today and even as you go through out the  next week are:

"There is nothing too great for me to handle"
"I am good enough"
"I am enough"
"I will be happy"
"Today I will not be angry"
"I choose to forgive and be free."
"I am not worried about my future.
"I will not be afraid of failing"
"I walk in faith and stay focused on what God prepares for me"
"I will achieve my goals"
"I deserve to be happy"
"I can be better and I will be better"

Sometimes I put up some of these positive words on sticky notes and stick them around my room along with affirming bible verses to evoke positive thoughts and keep me staying positive most times (because sometimes, its hard to be positive when things aren't going as planned) and when I see them, I say them out loud.

You would be surprised at how far a combination of words like these will take you. Then again, they're just words. But when combined in a positive way and spoken aloud, the power in them would be realized.

Keep those thoughts positive and remember "A positive mental attitude supported by positive affirmations will achieve success in anything."

Have a great day! x


  1. Words of affirmation are one of the Love languages mentioned in the book The Five Love languages of Love, and it makes sooo much sense that what you say to yourself or what you allow sink into your mind from the lips of others can have an overwhelming impact on your life. Thank you for this great piece; a fantastic reminder that truly as A man thinketh so he is.


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